This plug-in can be uninstalled, With this new replacement:
支持版本:1.5.x -- 2.0.x
version:1.5.x -- 2.0.x
ON:“contact US”
DEBUG:Error: MAIL FROM not accepted from server!
DEBUG:Error: RCPT TO not accepted from server!
If 'Error: RCPT TO not accepted from server!' exist, please delete line 24 and 29, then change to your own email address. Note: do not use the same eamil address as in the store setting.
如果出现另一个错误:Error: RCPT TO not accepted from server!
请删除第 24 和 29行! 改为你的邮件地址,这个地址不要和商店里面设置的地址重复。
安装:把 vqmod 文件夹上传到网站根目录【如果你没有vqmod请安装。】
install:Upload the vqmod folder to your website's root directory【please install it first if you do not have vqmod】
如果你喜欢,请捐赠!支付宝 。财付通/微信:184923973
If you like it, please donate! Alipay: . TenPay: 184923973
If you need customization, please contact us.
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