Ask a Question (about this product) PRO Version

Ask a Question (about this product) PRO Version

This extension adds a "Ask a Question"-button below the "Add to Cart"-button. Clicking on this will open a (responsive) popup with the name of the product, product image and a couple of form fields. The customer fills in the form fields, asks his question and the question will be send to the administrator of the webshop. In this PRO version some things differ from the free version:
- Send forms are stored in the database
- you can access/read them by going to Catalog --> Asked Questions
- Forms have Google reCaptcha spam protection (depending on your Opencart version > oc
- Forms can send the info to the customer by checking the "Send me a copy" option in the Form

This extension is a must have for every webshop owner.

Make sure you have vqmod installed. If you don't have vqmod installed:
- To install vqmod, you will have to download it from
- Download latest version :
- Copy it into vqmod folder in the root of your site and install it ( )
- Optional: Install vqmod manager module for opencart (

Just drag the folder vqmod (in folder upload) in the root of your webshop (FTP) - or - find aaq.xml in this package and ftp this to vqmod/xml/

- After that go in admin to System --> Users --> User Groups and click on the usergroup you wish to give access to the Asked Questions in the Admin. Click Edit and check for both, Access and Modify, "catalog/aaq" and hit "Save"
- Navigate to ANY product detail page on your webshop (and the necessary database table will automatically be created!)
- Now we have to set-up the reCaptcha:
- Make sure Google reCaptcha is enabled. Depending on the version of Opencart you are using you do this by going to:

- Extensions --> Captcha. Click install button for Google reCAPTCHA and after that click on edit for Google reCAPTCHA. On that page is a direct link to Google reCaptcha page to create Site and Secret key (follow the instructions)
- Extensions --> Extensions and Filter by Captchas. Click install button for Google reCAPTCHA and after that click on edit for Google reCAPTCHA. On that page is a direct link to Google reCaptcha page to create Site and Secret key (follow the instructions)

- Navigate to System --> Settings --> YOUR STORE --> Options --> Captcha --> Choose "Google reCaptcha" and for "Captcha Page" check "Ask a Question" --> hit save

Ask a question button doesn't show up?
Because every template is different and uses different code there is a chance that the button not will show up. look in the xml file for (around line 188):
<button type="button" id="button-cart" data-loading-text="<?php echo $text_loading; ?>" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block"><?php echo $button_cart; ?></button>

now open catalog/view/theme/YOUR TEMPLATE NAME/template/product/product.tpl and try to find a line that looks almost similar the previously mentioned line (you can do a search for "$button_cart" to faster locate the line)

If you've found that line copy it from start to the end and replace it with the mentioned line. Now save to the server and you should see the button!

What customers say about Ask a Question (about this product) PRO Version

Alex Rettig
The free version convinced me to purchase this Pro version, needed the Captcha anti spam bots. A little css bug fix solved by developer support, fine!
~Alex Rettig


  • Developed by OpenCart Community
  • 12 Months Free Support
  • Documentation Included



Last Update
14 Mar 2017

5 Oct 2016
12 Sales
Member since: 14 Oct 2013

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