Have you ever had trouble to save information page in opencart with small misstake you overlooked and it broke your content?
Or have you ever lost content of information page and now you can not get it back?
Or you simply miss autosave funcionality in OpenCart?
If your response is yes at least once, you are at right place.
With this module you can save information page like usual, while having your current work backed up, so you will not lose it ever again.
All information pages have their history with all fields you can edit in standard OpenCart, from title and content, through meta settings, to sort order.
List of previous versions
Added new TAB in page update form, called "Revisions", where you can find list of all versions of current page.
Usefull information
Each revision has information about time it was created, name of author, and whether it is automatic or manual save.
Easily manageable
Revisions have standard OpenCart funcionality, as bulk delete, sorting columns, etc.
Load previous version
You have ability to load any revision from list of current page revisions to editable content like usual information page.
Autosave option
Save pages automatically after given period of time with notice about last autosave.
Autosave without reloading page
Autosave functionality is implemented with ajax, so there is no need to reload page, and you can edit content without interruption.
Autosave interval
Set your custom interval of autosaving page in seconds, usual interval is 90 seconds.
Redirect after clicking save
You can choose between option to redirect to list of pages or stay at page you were just editing.
OpenCart 1.5.x, 2.x (All Features)
Module uses VQMod, all install information are included and also provided on Documentation Tab.
General guide on how to install opencart, opencart modules, and VQMod can be found here: Install Guide
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